Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The results are in...

Mommy Happy Hour came in FIRST in the women's overall division and 71st overall. ROCK ON ladies!!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's over. Sniff sniff.

I apologize, it was a little harder than I had expected to blog from my phone, but here I am, at home, missing my girls but rested and proud of myself.

Once Skye gets our final results in we'll definitely post those. But a big, huge thank you to all who followed us through our journey via facebook. Also, to our friends and families who helped us get to this race and took care of our kids while we were away from home, thank you thank you thank you. But of course, there's so many other people to thank and when I'm thinking clear again (I'm still a little foggy), I'll make sure they get the props they deserve.

Along with the many thanks that need to go out, please stay tuned for our "awards ceremony" for our runners. We each brought a little something to make the race happen and it'll be not only hilarious, but interesting to see who gets what.

In the meantime, if you have any questions for us about our adventure, please feel free to comment and we'll get back asap! BUT, the one question I've gotten from quite a few people, which I'm shocked about it is "um, how and where did you go to the bathroom?". So, here's the answer...the girls and I made a vow to never speak of it again, but there are some really funny pictures that we plan to laugh about in 10 years.

Stay tuned...

Big D

Friday, November 20, 2009

Keeping It Real

After a wrong turn with the van, stranded runner, ant pile catastophe, we're back in business! Runner 6 Delaina is up!


And we're off!

Our first runner is off! Go EV! We love you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sumpin' crazy 'bout to happen

We are 8.5 hours away from starting our crazy ass relay - here's to hoping we can run in a straight line. Word.

Big D

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thursday Run

Certainly no expert; but most of them out there say that the best thing to do before a race is go for a short run the day before. Nothing too crazy 15-20 minutes tops with a couple of quick sprints. Opens your legs up (not that way) and leaves you feeling good for the race.

Also a beer or glass of wine are perfect for the pre-race night before jitters/excitement/can't sleep. However you want to put it, it helps bring it down a notch if you need it.

Can't wait!

Run, Drink, Sleep, Repeat

Back in May of 2009 a few of us moms made an inebriated decision to run in a relay race across the state of Florida called The Ragnar Relay. Let me break this race down a bit before we get started. There's twelve people that take turns running from, in our case, Clearwater, Florida all the way to Daytona Beach, Florida. We'll take turns by tag teaming each other at different legs of the race. We each run three times with some legs being longer than others. There's some crazy ass women in our group that can run 18 miles on any given day, but then there's some of us like me, who only knew how to run to the nearest liquor store or to find her iPhone, but I digress...this race will take place for us in three days. We're pumped, we're trained and we're hungover. We're a group of moms who like to run, like to drink and love our kids and significant others. Our partners have been super supportive by cheering us on and handing us a glass of wine at the end of the day. Doesn't get any better than that. We love each other, we have fun together and it all boils down to...LET'S GET THIS MOFO STARTED!!!!!!!!!!

Side note: We'll be updating this blog throughout our race so that you can follow the crazy ass shit we plan to get ourselves into. Elvis costumes, check. Striped socks, check. Local bar located for the end of the race, check.